When it comes to dad, the whole world is a country even if the days and ways of celebrating him change from country to country. So how is Father’s Day celebrated in the rest of the planet? It is celebrated all over the world, but the date varies by country. In Italy, Father’s Day is a custom on March 19 as in some other countries with a long Catholic tradition, such as Spain or Portugal. The date was for a long time the main Catholic holiday linked to Saint Joseph, the father of Jesus.
But why is it celebrated on March 19th? And when is Father’s Day in the rest of the world? Here we discover the history, the typical sweets of Father’s Day and some curiosities about father’s day. Continue to read and find out more about father’s day.
Father’s day 2022
The origins
The religious cult of St. Joseph is very ancient and was born in the East in the early Middle Ages, and then spread to the West as early as the fourteenth century. Around that time, some religious orders began to observe his feast on March 19, the day of his death according to tradition. The feast of St. Joseph was included in the Roman calendar by Pope Sixtus IV around 1479, and in the nineteenth century the saint became the patron saint of several countries with an important Catholic tradition, such as Mexico, Canada and Belgium. In fact, in 1870, Pope Pius X raised Saint Joseph to the rank of Patron Saint of the universal Church. Leo XIII named him the patron saint of fathers of families and workers in 1889. To commemorate this event, his children had got into the habit of making small gifts or offering flowers to their fathers.
In the United States, the celebration has much more recent characteristics and origins, partly linked to Mother’s Day. Generally the idea of its creation is traced back to a woman from Spokane, Washington state, Sonora Smart Dodd: according to tradition, the idea for a Father’s Day would have come to her in 1909 hearing a sermon on the occasion of Mother’s Day, which was beginning to be celebrated in those years. In fact, the first Father’s Day was celebrated in the United States on June 19, 1910, in the month of the birth of Sonora Dodd’s father, who had raised six children after his wife died in childbirth. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidgehe shared the idea of instituting a national fathers day and finally in 1966 President Lyndon Jonhson officially proclaimed Father’s Day, to be celebrated on the third Sunday in June. Today, most countries of the world celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June.
In Germany, on the other hand, Father’s Day coincides with Ascension Day, celebrated 40 days after Easter and is called Männertag or Herrentag, or “men’s day”. In the general festive atmosphere, the German fathers usually go around with wagons called Bollerwagen (pulled by oxen or other men) and chock full of traditional foods and alcoholic drinks.
Many eastern countries such as Japan, India, Malaysia and Singapore, align themselves with the custom of the Anglo-Saxon world and celebrate the third Sunday of June, but there are exceptions. In Thailand, for example, fathers are celebrated on December 5, the birthday of King Rama IX (who died in 2016), the “father of the homeland” who reigned with authority for over 70 years. On this day, the children bring a cane flower to grandparents and dads as a sign of respect and virility.
A completely different spirit in Australia. Here on the first Sunday of September (which corresponds to their first Sunday in spring) the fathers enjoy discounts and offers in many shops, while in the Victoria region the traditional “Father of the Local Community” competition is very popular.
When is father’s day
Perhaps not everyone knows that Father’s Day is celebrated almost all over the world, but every country declines it based on its history and traditions. For this there is no single shared date on which it is celebrated.
In the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, Father’s Day is held on the third Sunday in June. The same calendar is followed by India, South Africa, Senegal, the Netherlands, Greece, France, China and Japan. In Scandinavia, the celebration takes place on the second Sunday of November, with the exception of Denmark, where it is celebrated on 5 June in conjunction with the Constitution feast. In Russia, the appointment is set for 23 February, on what is called the “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. In Germany, wishes to one’s father are made on Ascension Day, the Christian holiday which falls 40 days after Easter. In Thailand, Father’s Day coincides with the birthday of the late King Rama IX, who ruled the country for over 70 years (he died in 2016) and is revered as the “father of the nation”.
Father’s day gifts
The candy box
The candy box offers all kinds of boxes, each more delicious than the other. If you wish, you can even offer a subscription and a box will be delivered every month. You can also simply opt for the Gourmet box which contains 6 kinds of sweets.
Wireless headphones
Wireless headphones for sports or for public transport, he’ll find it great! The Bose Soundsports are extremely comfortable and stay in place. They are water and sweat resistant and their battery lasts up to 6 hours. Their aqua color is attractive, too!
Balance ball chair
If he spends a lot of time in front of his screen, dad will be completely delighted to receive this very special chair. In fact, it looks like a mix between an office chair and an exercise ball. Above all, it allows good spinal alignment and better posture so less pain when dad works too much!
GPS drone with 4k camera
Flying is a dream… almost possible with a drone! Indeed, the many possibilities of drones – including those equipped with a camera! – will allow dad to have the impression of seeing life from above! And what about the pleasure of handling a remote-controlled vehicle in the air!
Phone case
Because he likes to have a little unique touch, or almost, he will stand out with this cell phone case. Made in Montreal, this case will protect your cell phone with originality.
Happy father’s day wishes
March 19, according to the calendar of saints, is the day of St. Joseph and precisely on this date in Italy and in other Catholic countries is the feast of the father. On this particular day, but also in all the others of the year, it is good to remind our dad how important it is and, even when it is no longer there, how much space it occupies in our hearts. Use these happy father’s day wishes to wish your father happy father’s day.
🥳️I hope I’m half the person you are one day. Happy Father’s Day, Grandpa!
🥳️Happy Father’s Day Dad. Thanks for always being there for us.
🥳️To my dearest Dad: You are my compass. Thanks for always showing me the right path and for guiding me in the right direction. Happy Father’s Day, I love you.
🥳️Whenever I would fail, you were there to pick me up and put me back on the right path. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Happy Father’s Day Dad, thanks for everything.
🥳️Fact: Dads are notoriously difficult to buy gifts for. Instead, just enjoy this card I made for you, and feel the joy of having me as your child. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️Thanks for always having my back, Dad. I love you.
🥳️Sending you even more love than usual on this Father’s Day. Have a wonderful one, Grandpa!
🥳️Happy Great-Excuse-to-Go-Golfing Day!
🥳️It turns out you were right about everything, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️Our family wouldn’t be half as special without you leading the charge.
🥳️Happy Father’s Day to the greatest dad in the whole world!
🥳️Dad, you’re my hero. Thanks for everything.
🥳️Happy Father’s Day to a man who’s as grand as can be!
🥳️I know raising me took patience… to say the least. Thank you for all of yours!
🥳️I hope you know how much you mean to me, Grandpa. Thank you for being an incredible dad and grandfather to our family!
🥳️I hope your Father’s Day is full of peace, love, and joy. Sending you all my love today and always, Grandpa!
🥳️To my dad, the man who moves fire and earth for his family.
🥳️Today’s your day, Dad. Enjoy it, and know how loved you are!
🥳️Thank you for giving me so many of my favorite memories.
🥳️Thank you for all the sacrifices you make for our family and all the joy and love you bring into our lives. We couldn’t have asked for a better dad! Happy Father’s Day.
🥳️I am so lucky to have you as my dad. Thanks for being so wonderful!
🥳️Everyone always says they have the best dad in the world, but that can’t be right… because that man is right here with me. Cheers to you, Dad.
🥳️Sending you all my love and I wish I could be there to give you a big bear hug. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️I love you, Dad—even if I never accept your friend request.
🥳️Thank you for everything that you have given me. You’ve always been there for me as a dad and best friend as well. There is no other bond like ours. I love you Dad!
🥳️Happy Father’s Day to the coolest dad on the planet! Thanks for being you.
🥳️Thank you for making growing up fun. I love you!
🥳️I wouldn’t be who I am today without you.
🥳️You’re the best dad ever. I mean, just look at how I turned out!
🥳️I’m so grateful for all your guidance and wisdom, you really are the best! Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️One day just isn’t enough to tell you how much you mean to me.
🥳️Where would I be without you as my dad? I’m so grateful for you. Happy Father’s Day.
🥳️To the world’s greatest dad from the world’s greatest kids, we hope you have an amazing Father’s Day!
🥳️For everything you’ve done for me and all the love you share, I’m thankful. Happy Father’s Day, Grandpa!
🥳️Thank you for always making something out of nothing. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️To the best man I know: Happy Father’s Day! Enjoy every moment of this special day.
🥳️You may not know everything but you sure had me fooled for quite a few years! Happy Father’s Day to the smartest dad in town.
🥳️Thank you for providing our family with so much strength, comfort, and happiness. Thinking of you today!
🥳️Thank you for all the many wonderful things you do… that I fail to notice!
🥳️Grandpa, thank you for everything you’ve done to make our family so wonderful. Here’s to you.
🥳️Happy Father’s Day Dad! If you want, I’ll make a distraction so you can sneak off and get some gaming in.
🥳️Thank you for being my dad.
🥳️All of the lessons you’ve taught me over the years have added up to the wonderful life I’m living today.
🥳️Enjoy this special day, and know that your whole crew is thinking of you!
🥳️Dad, You mean the world to me. There’s no one else on earth like you. You care so completely, give so quietly, and love so deeply. As the years pass, I realize more and more just how lucky I am to have a dad as wonderful as you. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️Dad, your light guides this family and holds us together. As you get older I want you to know that I am there for you too, through thick and thin. On this special day, relax and forget your worries. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️Dad: A man with infinite patience.
🥳️I love talking to you, hanging out with you, and hearing your advice. Thankful for you every day, but especially today!
🥳️Out of all the dads in the world, we got the best one! Happy Father’s Day.
🥳️When people say, ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,’ I tell them that’s the best compliment I could ever get. Someday, I hope to grow as strong and wise as you. Have a great Father’s Day!
🥳️Thanks, Dad, for everything you do for us. Happy Father’s Day.
🥳️To the world’s best Dad, Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️I’m so proud to be your kid. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
🥳️Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful Daddy. I love you to the moon… and back!
🥳️Happy Father’s Day to the best Dad in the world!
🥳️I’m so lucky to have you as my father… I’m sure no one else would have put up with me this long. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️Dad, you know that I like Batman, and Superman is cool too, but I don’t need them as long as I have you! Happy Father’s Day to my Super Dad!
🥳️God took the strength of a mountain, the patience of eternity, and combined them to create the thing we call dad.
🥳️Happy Father’s Day! You’re more than a father—you’re a friend. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me.
🥳️Today’s about you, Dad! I hope you savor every moment of it. Because tomorrow, it’s back to being all about us—your kids.
🥳️Happy Father’s Day to the coolest Dad ever!
🥳️Thanks for being the coolest dad on the block! Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️Thank you for bringing love, acceptance, and joy into my life all these years. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
🥳️It’s grand to have someone like you in our family! Happy Father’s Day, Grandad!
🥳️I admire the man you’ve been and the man you are. Thank you for teaching me what it is to lead a worthwhile life!
🥳️I’m sorry if I’ve driven you a little crazy over the years. Okay, a lot crazy. It’s just because I love you.
🥳️Dad, I love how we don’t even have to say out loud that I’m your favorite.
🥳️The most important life lesson I’ve learned: When all else fails, call Dad.
🥳️Thank you for working as hard as you do every day to provide for us. You always make time for me when you’re home from work and I love hanging out with you. I hope you have a fabulous Father’s Day.
🥳️The man, the myth, the legend. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
🥳️Thank you for all the ways you go above and beyond every day.
🥳️Happy Father’s Day to one sweet pop!
🥳️Dad, you’ve given me so much. Here’s to you.
🥳️You’ve been a remarkable role model for us all. Thank you for everything, Grandpa.
🥳️Dad, you’ve always been the coolest. Like all those times you said “yes” when mom said “no.” Happy Father’s Day, Cool Dad!
🥳️We’re all thinking of you today, Grandpa. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️Thanks for giving me so much love, attention, and care. You truly are the best, Daddy! Happy Father’s Day.
🥳️I’m grateful for you, Dad, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to pay you back for all that you’ve done for me. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️Only a dad like you gives his all to make way for his children.
🥳️Dad, even when you aren’t there, I feel you in the world all around me.
🥳️Thank you for giving fatherhood your all. You’ve made me the person I am today.
🥳️Thanks for all the fun times we’ve shared together, you’re such an amazing daddy! Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️Dad—you’ve made my life so much better. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
🥳️You know what they say: Real heroes don’t wear capes, they make bad puns. Thank you for being a real hero, Dad. Happy Father’s Day!
🥳️A dad is someone you look up to every day, no matter how tall you grow.
Father’s day wishes
🤩I am lucky to have you in my life. You are the best dad in the whole universe. I love you! Happy Father’s Day 2022!
🤩Happy Father’s Day! You are the real superman. Thanks for everything you do.
🤩Happy Father’s Day to the dads who sacrifice their good days to make ours best and spare no effort to put on a smile on our faces!
🤩Dear Dad, Happy Father’s Day! On this special occasion, I would like to thank you for always taking care of me and protecting me from every harm.
🤩Sons take their fathers as their role models; and I’m so proud to have the coolest role model ever!
🤩I’m a lucky daughter cause I’ve got a Dad so sweet that all my friends wish they had. Happy Fathers Day Papa!
🤩Dad, your support is all I need to conquer every difficulty in life. Happy father’s day.
🤩Happy Father’s Day to you! Since my childhood, you have been a hero in my eyes who worked so hard for the family. Thank you for everything!
🤩I’m not the prince of the world, but I’m the prince of my father’s kingdom. Happy Father’s Day to my lovely dad. I feel blessed to be your son.
🤩Happy Father’s Day to the heroes of the kids! Thank you for raising a beautiful next generation!
🤩Happy Father’s Day to all dads. It’s easy to be a father, but it takes much to become a dad.
🤩Thanks to every father in the world for making this world a better place for us. Happy Father’s Day!
🤩Dad, thanks for making me feel like a princess in my entire life. You deserve a ton of respect. Wishing you all the happiness in the world on this special day!
🤩Dads are heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers. Happy Father’s Day to all amazing dads.
🤩Fathers are real superheroes. They may not have superpowers but they always have a super heart and a super spirit. Happy Fathers Day to all Dads!
🤩You’ve provided me with everything a child can wish for and I’ll be grateful to you forever. Happy father’s day.
🤩Happy Fathers Day! You always made me feel special with your love and care!
🤩A father is always a guiding light to his children whose love shows the way. Happy Father’s Day.
🤩You never cared for yourself all your life. You have always put us first. And today is your day to celebrate you and everything you do! Happy Fathers Day!
🤩Happy Father’s Day! Do you know what the most blissful gift life has offered me? It’s you, Papa!
🤩Happy Father’s day to you, Dad! Thank you for always taking my side in any argument and saving me from mom’s scolds until now! Love you!
🤩Happy Fathers day! Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.
🤩You’re the true hero from my childhood. Times may have changed but the things I have learned from you are both ageless and priceless. Happy Fathers Day!
🤩Father! To me, you are the definition of inspiration, courage, and unconditional love. Happy Father’s Day, my old man.
🤩Happy Father’s Day! May God always shower you with boundless happiness!
🤩Let us celebrate all the fathers, their strength, and their sacrifices. Happy father’s day!
🤩Dear Papa, Happy Father’s Day to you! You are the best!
🤩I can never Thank God enough for the best gift of my life. He made me the happiest by giving you as my Dad! Happy Fathers Day Daddy!
🤩Dear Father, Happy Father’s Day! You are the most inspiring figure in my life. Thank you for teaching me all the good values and practices.
🤩You are the true king of my heart. I love you so much. #HappyFathersDay dad!
🤩One of the blissful gifts I could have ever asked for was you. Happy Father’s Day, daddy.
🤩To be a father is easy, but it takes a long way to become a dad. Happy Father’s Day to all dads!
🤩Happy Father’s Day! You mean everything to me. I love you so much!
🤩Happy fathers day, daddy. May you receive much joy and stay blessed!
🤩There is no place safer than a father’s arms. Happy father’s day to all dads.
🤩Dear Dad, thank you for raising me with resolve and patience, with care and regulations. I owe you so much! Happy Father’s Day!
🤩No one can love a girl more than her father. Dad, you were always my hero and always will be. No one can replace you. Happy Father’s Day!
🤩Thank you for always being the shield that protects our family from sorrow and despair. Our kids must be feeling so blessed for having such a wonderful father. Happy Fathers Day, Husband!
🤩Happy Father’s Day to you, Dad! I always admire your composure, patience, and kindness!
🤩Happy Fathers Day! There is no unconditional love on earth greater than the love of a father to his son.
🤩Being a good father takes so much more than giving birth and lets us appreciate every father’s efforts.
🤩No matter what my age is, I will always be your tiny little girl who loves you with her whole being. Happy Father’s Day, dad!
🤩I don’t need anyone to make me feel safe when you’re with me. I don’t need anyone to make me feel happy when you’re by my side. Happy Father’s Day.
🤩Happy fathers day to all fathers out there. It’s a tough job to be a dad, but there’s nothing more adorable!
🤩Dad, you are the definition of a ‘good human’ and a ‘perfect father’ to me. I hope I can follow your path as well. Happy Father’s Day to you!
🤩I know I never tell you this often. But I love you, dad.
🤩Fathers never hesitate to go above and beyond to meet the family’s needs! Happy Father’s Day to them!
🤩You are not only a father but also a mentor, a friend, and a counselor. Thank you for nurturing our bond so much! Happy Father’s Day!
🤩Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing Superdads of the world! Being a father is not easy, but you all sure handle it effortlessly!
🤩Dear Dad, you’re my superman, which makes me your super son! Happy Fathers Day!
🤩Your love, care, and sacrifice made my life beautiful. Without you, I’d be so hopeless and incomplete. Happy Father’s Day, Papa.
🤩Happy Father’s Day to the best father in the universe. I love you!
🤩Happy Father’s Day, Dad. Whatever I am today is because of you, so I’m sure you are looking upon me from heaven right now and smiling down!
🤩Cheers to all the dads who move heaven and earth for their families every day! #HappyFathersDay.
🤩Thanks for making all the sacrifices silently and working hard just to get us a better life! I love you, happy fathers day dad!
🤩Having an amazing dad like you is a real blessing. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
🤩Dear Papa, Happy Father’s Day to you. You may not be beside me today, but you are greatly alive in my heart with your love and support.
🤩Being a daddy’s girl is like having permanent armor for the rest of your life. Happy Fathers Day, Dad!
🤩Dear Dad, Happy Father’s Day! You have put every superhero on shame because you are stronger than Hulk and smarter than Ironman!
🤩Happy father’s day, dad. Thank you for teaching me everything I know and making me who I am.
Father’s day card messages
He was our first superhero, he teaches us to face the world and he would give everything – absolutely everything – for us. So why not take advantage of his day to show him how important he is to us? Send him father’s day card messages on father’s day and say how much you love and respect him.
🎁Happy grandad’s day! Remember, the very best dads are promoted to grandad!
🎁Thanks for putting up with all of my sh**.
🎁Ignore what mum says about you, I don’t think you’re that bad.
🎁Dad, you are someone I will always look up to no matter how tall I grow.
🎁Even though you never bought me a pony, I still love you. Happy Father’s Day!
🎁Thanks for helping me out financially so I can be an independent person and not rely on others.
🎁You’ve always been my favourite ATM.
🎁Dad – I wouldn’t trade you for anything. I mean, nobody’s offered me anything, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t!
🎁I’m so happy it was you who knocked up mum!
🎁Thanks for being the world’s best grandad!
🎁Any man can be a father but it takes a special someone to be a dad.
🎁Thanks for fulfilling your role as my dad adequately.
🎁Thanks for not leaving me somewhere in a bucket.
🎁Happy father’s day grandad. You’re one of my favourite grandparents!
🎁Please accept this Father’s Day card as a token of my poverty.
🎁I love how we don’t even need to say out loud that I am your favourite child. It’s a really special bond we share.
🎁I hope your Father’s Day is as fun as your life was before you had us kids.
🎁Thanks for being there all my life. I can’t imagine where I’d be without you.
🎁I used to worry about turning into my parents, now I hope I do!
🎁Happy Father’s Day dad, you’ve always been like a father to me.
🎁Well done – you rank in the top 10 of all the dads I’ve ever had.
🎁You’re by far the best dad I could have asked for…until you start dancing!
🎁Grandad, you really are a perfectly aged, limited edition!
🎁Thank you for always believing me and making my life feel important.
🎁Happy Father’s Day. I’m sorry I spent all of your money!
🎁Have a great Father’s Day. Love from your favourite financial burden.
🎁I don’t say this often enough but I just want to thank you for everything you do for me, I really appreciate it!
🎁Happy Father’s Day from one of your most legitimate children.
🎁Happy Father’s Day. Thanks for occasionally wiping my bum and stuff.
🎁Well done dad – I turned out awesome!
🎁Happy Father’s Day to one of my favourite ever parents.
🎁Thanks for being there every day for me. Everything you’ve taught me has stuck with me and I’m lucky to have a dad like you!
🎁All I can say is that mum had amazing taste to pick you to be our dad!
🎁I was going to give you the most amazing gift ever… then I remembered you already have me.
🎁Dad, I can’t imagine what my life would have been like without you. Thanks so much for everything, you’re amazing.
🎁I’m so grateful for all the things you’ve done for me over the years that I bought you this £3 card. Happy Father’s Day.
🎁You’re still the one I think of first when I have a question about something or when I just need some support and good advice. Thank you for always being there for me.
🎁Thanks for teaching me all those swear words you f***ing legend.
🎁Happy Father’s Day to a father who is really grand.
🎁Thanks for having me – even though it was so you’d have someone to take care of you when you’re old and lonely.
🎁As a reward for being such a good father, I promise I’ll let you pick your own nursing home…
🎁The older I get the more I realise how much you have done for me. You’ve provided stability, support and so much more! Thanks for everything, dad.
🎁Thanks for not letting me screw up my life.
🎁I don’t usually thank people for knocking up my mum… you are the exception.
🎁Happy Father’s Day to someone who inexplicably loves signing his name in each of his text messages.
🎁You’re still my hero and my role model. Thanks for being here for me and being a great example through life so far.
🎁I just wanted to say happy Father’s Day to my hero and role model. Unfortunately I don’t have one so I’ll say it to you instead.
🎁Dad, I just wanted to say congratulations, I turned out perfectly.